The JEX storyline has been a mess since Eden returned in January. IMO, with JEX, GH has the hottest couple with the most sizzling chemistry that this show has seen in AGES!! (Maybe ever?) No other couple comes close. And the writers are ruining it. JEX could be the next Luke & Laura (who were dynamic together but no so much “hot”). Eden is a beautiful, superbly talented actress and Evan is not only the hottest guy GH has featured in decades but he’s really growing as an actor (how many guys can do a realistic - not to mention attractive - cry on cue?). So I’m very puzzled about the writers’ choices. After Dex told Michael (March 8) that he had to leave Port Chuck to protect Joss, I was expecting a reply from Michael the following Monday - as in, “It’s a dangerous time for the Corinthos clan, so you have to stay to protect not only Joss but our entire family. And I’ll pay you to do so.” But on the Monday, no continuation of the conversation. No JEX at all! Not on Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs! Dex is in danger and the storyline about him returning to PC was a big deal so where are they?? Finally a week later (Mar 15), we see JEX in Dex’s old apartment. Is that where they’ve been all week? Isn’t it a dangerous place to be since Sonny’s guys could easily find him? And why hasn’t the “mobster with a heart of gold” thanked Dex for saving his son?? So I’m thinking… maybe the writers are coming up with a big storyline wherein Joss is pregnant so Dex can’t leave and Sonny won’t dispose of a father-to-be. Of course, Joss would lose the baby so that JEX wouldn’t jump the relationship shark like many soap couples do after a baby comes into the picture. By that time, Dex and Sonny would have “made up.” But no, Dex is still talking about leaving - which, frankly, is becoming terribly tedious. It’s not a story arc - it’s a story flatline. Just reveal why Dex decides to stay and get on with it! Don’t ruin the best romance on the show. A bit of mob in-fighting and blowing up the world stuff is fine once in a while but I want to see dynamic relationships between interesting characters. Enough sadness and stress in the world right now - let’s have some good old-fashioned romance (JEX!). GH has a dynamic relationship going between two amazing actors and, sadly, they’re taking it for granted at best, destroying it at worst. So, today, enter nasty Nina to sow division (some characters, like Helena and Cyrus, you love to hate - Nina’s character I just hate). Who thought this was a good idea? And, dear Joss, who are YOU? Last Friday, Joss said to Dex about Jason (who she knows has killed many men for Sonny at Sonny’s bidding): “You two are very similar. You’re both good, decent human beings.” But suddenly, a few minutes later, what makes Jason a good, decent human being makes Dex someone she can’t be with… Really??! Hey, maybe Dex deserves better than a self-righteous hypocrite with a short memory. My preference: that the writers allow Joss to come to her senses and realize that she has an honest, decent, brave man in Dex. A man who loves her, would do anything for her, and who does not lie to her. So, GH writers, don’t ruin the only couple with true chemistry on the show, the only believable romance you’ve had on the show in ages. Bring back the the sizzle! Restore the chemistry couple! Fix JEX!!!


Welcome to the board. The show lacks young female characters so i think those two will stay together.


I’m hope they do. Unless they recast Cam. The original teen Cam would probably not work with Joss now.


I hope they ultimately get back together, too. What you said about the only couple with sizzle is true. I am hoping that this breakup will help Dex to reevaluate his career choice.


Dex & Joss were great while it lasted. After all, this is a soap opera & there has to be conflict or their relationship would be boring. They’ll get back together eventually. What’s kind of dumb is now that she dumped him, he has no reason to stay in Pt. C. So he decides to grow a conscious and turn himself in for the Cyrus incident? He should just leave town, but he really doesn’t want to leave her.


I just said this yesterday. Joss and Dex are one of my favorite couples. Her 180 degree turn that makes no sense has infuriated me! Do I think Joss was very naive to think that Dex wouldn’t ever have to do anything dangerous for Sonny? Absolutely! Do I think that her lack of maturity in falling for Nina’s BS is very evident now? YUP! I hate that the writer’s are making her a whiny, dramatic young woman. That is not Joss. She is strong, intelligent, and fiercely loyal. Dex is her Jason. She can’t love Jason and judge Dex. Doesn’t work for me.

Now for my personal “gossipy” opinion??? I understand that they are actor’s and this is a profession. But I also watched these two on SM interact for many months, from the beginning of Dex coming to the show. Evan and Eden were CLOSE. Following her mother’s death, nothing, no interaction. I feel that maybe something happened after her mother passed away with their “personal” relationship, and the writer’s maybe wanting to give Eden some emotional space are not going to keep them together. I could be, and probably am, wrong. I hope so. JEX always! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It was funny that while Eden was off for two months, the writers kept the cute sub-Joss in the Adam story without so much as a hug with Dex. Must have been a promise to Eden that her man wouldn’t play kissy with another girl. i want the tea on that…


Hello, Valentanna4Ever! Especially after today’s show and Dex’s meeting with Anna, it appears that Dex has just created a new “career” for himself. Can’t wait to see where this leads!

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You are so right, Maria 525! Though I believe Dex now has a new mission in regards to Sonny and therefore a new reason to remain in Port Chuckles!

I am completely in agreement with you about Joss’s 180 degree turn and her ridiculous naivete! What does she think a “hitman” does?? And oh so true about her loving Jason and judging Dex - especially when, last Friday (Mar 15) she said to Dex about Jason, “You two are very similar. You’re both good, decent human beings.” Quite self-righteous and hypocritical to then ditch Dex so quickly and completely. Whiny and dramatic sums it up very well.

So, Haden, you present a very interesting and insightful “gossipy” opinion. Only time will tell, I guess.

Regardless, I too am in the “JEX always!” camp!!

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Thanks for the welcome, Texfan 1! I think this is going to be fun. And, yes, you are absolutely correct about the lack of young female characters which bodes well for JEX!

Very interesting observation, TwoGrants! Love it.

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Intriguing thought, LULIX! I really liked William Lipton and was so sorry to see him go. I thought maybe Cam and Esme would be an interesting pair after Joss dumped him. But I do believe you’re right - after Sexy Dexy, it would be hard for Joss to go back to her teenage love.

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I find the headline on this post amusing. Because I would ask “Does Joss deserve better than Dex!”

I’m not sure Joss had ever envisioned Dex as a hitman. I think there was a belief that he was Sonny’s bodyguard when he started, not his No. 2 although he became more and more like that obviously. I think she saw him as a defensive shooter not an offensive killer if that makes sense so she was shocked.

In any case, no love story on a soap is worth anything unless the characters have broken up and gotten back together AT LEAST three times, lol. This is just a bump in the road, no doubt.


Just a little honey, honey, I’m hypoglycemic :yum:

I agree her reaction, though maybe normal for an average couple, was not Joss. She knew who she was dating. Cam reminded her before he left. And to let the intel from Nina, of all people, get to her…. Just odd to me too.


I’m with you. Joss deserves better & she is now demanding it. I hope she fully embraces it & not only with Dex but continues to hold others accountable as well. She tried with her mom but Carly immediately steered the conversation away from Jason being a killer & Joss was too distraught to notice.

Time will tell if she puts her head back in the sand just as her mother so clearly wants to keep doing.

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